PHP Function to Run MySql Queries Return Rows
PHP Function to Run MySql Queries Return Rows that uses PREPARE Statements to Prevent SQL Injection and htmlentities to Prevent XSS attacks
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function to simplify mysql commands PARAMETERS: [$dbConnection] the active database connection you have created [$selectWhat] which columns (the column names) ie "firstname, address" [$fromWhat] the name of the table to execute the sql command [$whereWhat] specific condition ie, "firstname = 'joe'" [$additional] optional additional parameters ie "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT = 2" RETURNS: array [array of rows, row count] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function selectMySqlFrom($dbConnection, string $selectWhat, string $fromWhat, string $whereWhat, string $additional = "") { // Prepare the SQL statement with placeholders (security) $sql = "SELECT $selectWhat FROM $fromWhat WHERE $whereWhat $additional"; $stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbConnection, $sql); if ($stmt === false) { // enter any error handling code you wish return[false, 0]; } // Execute the prepared statement mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); $result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt); $rowCount = mysqli_num_rows($result); // if rowCount == 0 if ($rowCount == 0) { return [false, $rowCount]; } $arrRows = []; if ($result) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { // Process each row and clean with htmlentities $cleanRow = array_map("htmlentities", $row); // add this [$row] to [$arrRows[]] $arrRows[] = $cleanRow; } } // Free memory mysqli_free_result($result); mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); return [$arrRows, $rowCount]; }
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