I oftentimes forget the syntax of some of the most commonly used PHP functions so I created this simple PHP functions cheat sheet which you can have open in your web browser for quick reference.
explode($separator, $string, [$number_of_array_parts]);
Break apart [$string] into an array of parts, splitting [$string] at each occurrence of [$separator].
- [$number_of_array_parts] is a number that restricts the number of array parts produced via explode(). If [$number_of_array_parts] is a positive number, if for example your use of explode() would normally produce 10 array items and you specify 5 for [$number_of_array_parts], explode will stop breaking apart the string at the [$number_of_array_parts] and the last array element will contain the remaining string.
- If [$number_of_array_parts] is a negative number then explode() will chop off ending array elements which will be minus what you specify for [$number_of_array_parts]. For example your use of explode() would normally produce 10 array items and you specify -5 for [$number_of_array_parts], explode will return the first 5 array elements, chopping of the last 5 elements.
- see the companion function
join() which is the opposite of explode() which takes an array and joins it together as a single string.
- explode(' ','php programming makes me explode in my pants.') = Array([0]=>php [1]=>programming [2]=>makes [3]=>me [4]=>explode [5]=>in [6]=>my [7]=>pants.)
- explode(' ','php programming makes me explode in my pants.', 3) = Array([0]=>php [1]=>programming [2]=>makes me explode in my pants.)
- explode(' ','php programming makes me explode in my pants.', -3) = Array([0]=>php [1]=>programming [2]=>makes [3]=>me [4]=>explode)
implode([$join_character], $array);
Takes the parts of an [$array] and joins them into a string.
- [$join_character] is the character to insert between each of the array parts to create the finished string. [$join_character] is optional and if omitted, an empty string
"" is the default.
- If [$join_character] is omitted, the correct syntax for implode is
implode($array) .
- see the companion function
explode() which is the opposite of implode() which takes a string and breaks it apart into an array.
In the examples below we will assume [$array] = Array([0]=>PHP [1]=>Programming [2]=>Makes me Explode in my Pants)
- implode($array) = "PHPProgrammingMakes me Explode in my Pants"
- implode(" ", $array) = "PHP Programming Makes me Explode in my Pants"
- implode(" - ", $array) = "PHP - Programming - Makes me Explode in my Pants"
nl2br($string, [$xhtml_compatible]);
Function to insert proper HTML break tags to ensure a new line is output everwhere \n occurs in [$string]. The optional boolean [$xhtml_compatible] specified whether html line breaks are the more standard <br> or the XHTML compatible version of that which is <br/> .
- The function parameter [$xhtml_compatible], in most cases does not need to be supplied and can be ignored.
- nl2br('I love to\nprogram with php.\nIts fun!') =
I love to program with php. It's fun!
str_contains($string, $strLookingFor);
// case sensitive
Check to see if $string has or contains $strLookingFor.
- Similar to php strpos() function.
- str_contains() IS case sensitive. To do a case insensitive search use php function stripos().
- str_contains("I love PHP programming", "PHP") = true
- str_contains("I love PHP programming", "php") = false
str_pad($string, $output_length, [$padding_string], [$padding_type]);
Make a string a specific length so even if the actual string is shorter than [$output_length] [$string] gets padded so the final length is [$output_length]. Generally used for visual formatting purposes.
- [$padding_string] is the character(s) to be used for the padding. The default is whitespace.
- [$padding_type] where the padding is placed:
- [1]STR_PAD_RIGHT (default - padding right side of [$string])
- [2]STR_PAD_LEFT (padding left side of [$string])
- [3]STR_PAD_BOTH (padding both sides of [$string]).
- str_pad("php is fun", 20) = php is fun
- str_pad("php is fun", 20, "#") = php is fun##########
- str_pad("php is fun", 20, ":", STR_PAD_BOTH) = :::::php is fun:::::
str_replace($find, $replacement, $string, [$return_number_replacements]);
// case sensitive
Find all instances of [$find] in [$string] and replace each of them with [$replacement]. [$return_number_replacements] is an optional variable that returns to you the number of replacements found.
- Use
strtolower() on $string and $find to make str_replace case ignored.
- To perform multiple replacements use
explode() on $find and $replacement.
- str_replace("php", "javascript", "I love php code more than php for breakfast.") = I love javascript more than javascript for breakfast.
- str_replace("php", "javascript", "I love PHP CODE more than php for breakfast.") = I love PHP CODE more than javascript for breakfast.
- str_replace("php", "javascript", "I love php code more than php for breakfast.", $count) = I love javascript code more than javascript for breakfast. $count = 2
- str_replace(explode("|", "lets|php|nap"), explode("|", "can we|javascript|break"), "lets do some php coding and then take a nap.") = can we do some javascript coding and then take a break.
str_split($string, [$each_arr_len]);
Split [$string] into an array, each element of the array being the length of [$each_arr_len].
- If [each_arr_len] is ommited, the default length of 1 for each array element is the default.
- If [each_arr_len] is larger than the length of [string] then the entire [string] will be returned as the only array element.
- str_split("php is fun") = Array([0]=>p [1]=>h [2]=>p [3]=> [4]=>i [5]=>s [6]=> [7]=>f [8]=>u [9]=>n)
- str_split("php programming is really fun", 5) = Array([0 =>php p [1]=>rogra [2]=>mming [3]=>is r [4]=>eally [5]=>fun)
- str_split("php programming is really fun", 30) = Array([0] =>php programming is really fun)
Returns the length number of characters of [$string].
- strlen('I love to program with php!') = 27
strpos($string, $find, [$start]);
// case sensitive
Returns position of first occurrence of [$find] within [$string].
- If [find] not found returns false.
- strpos('how are you feeling today?', 'you') = 8
stripos($string, $find, [$start]);
// case ignored
Returns position of first occurrence of [$find] within [$string].
- If [find] not found returns false.
- stripos('how are you feeling today?', 'you') = 8
- stripos('HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY?', 'you') = 8
strripos($string, $find, [$start]);
// case ignored
Returns position of last occurrence of [$find] within [$string].
- If [find] not found returns false.
- strripos('how are you feeling today you php coder?', 'you') = 26
- strripos('HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY YOU PHP CODER?', 'you') = 26
strstr($string, $find, [$return_before]);
// case sensitive
Finds first occurrence of [$find] within [$string] and returns everything from the start of [$find] to the end.
- If [return_before] set to true, the part of the string before [find] is returned.
- If [find] not found returns false.
- strstr('how are you feeling today?', 'you') = you feeling today?
- strstr('how are you feeling today?', 'you', true) = how are
stristr($string, $find, [$return_before]);
// case ignored
Finds first occurrence of [$find] within [$string] and returns everything from the start of [$find] to the end.
- If [return_before] set to true, the part of the string before [find] is returned.
- If [find] not found returns false;
- stristr('how are you feeling today?', 'you') = you feeling today?
- stristr('how are you feeling today?', 'you', true) = how are
- stristr('HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY?', 'you', true) = HOW ARE
Takes [$string] and reverses the characters so the string read backwards.
- strrev("Is my php programming backwards?") = ?sdrawkcab gnimmargorp php ym sI
Converts [$string] to all lowercase letters.
- strtolower('Do you LOVE PHP coding?', 'you') = do you love php coding?
Converts [$string] to all UPPER CASE letters.
- strtoupper('do you love php?') = DO YOU LOVE PHP
Converts first character of [$string] to upper case and leaves the rest of [$string] alone. To make an entire [$string] lower case with first letter capitalized use strtolower() to lowercase the entire [$string] first.
- ucfirst('do you love php?') = Do you love php?
- ucfirst('do you LOVE php?', 'you') = Do you LOVE php?
- ucfirst(strtolower('do you LOVE PHP programming?')) = Do you love php programming?
Converts first letter of each word of [$string] to upper case. To capitialize just the first letter of the first word of [$string] use function [ucfirst].
- ucwords('do you love web based programming?') = Do You Love Web Based Programming?
Converts first character of [$string] to lower case and leaves the rest of [$string] alone.
- lcfirst('Do you LOVE PHP programming?') = do you LOVE PHP programming?
substr($string, $startpos, [$length]);
Returns part of [$string] starting at [$startpos] and is the length of [$length].
- If [length] is omitted, the entire string from [startpos] is returned.
- A [startpos] of a negative number starts at that many characters backwards from the end of [string].
- substr('how much do you love php?', 9) = do you love php?
- substr('how much do you love php?', -9, 8) = love php
substr_count($string, $substring, [$start], [$length]);
// case sensitive
Returns how many times [$substring] can be found within [$string] with [$start] being the start position to start searching for [$substring] within [$string] and [$length] being the endpoint of the search.
- If [start] is a negative number then the substring search starts at that many character position backwards from the end of the string.
- To make this function ignore case, make [string] and [substring] lower case first with strtolower().
- substr_count("I am a PHP programmer and I love php programming", "php") = 1
- substr_count("I am a PHP programmer and I love php programming", "php", -15) = 1
- substr_count(strtolower("I am a PHP programmer and I love Php programming"),strtolower("php")) = 2; (ignoring case)
substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, [$length]);
Replace [$string] or part of [$string] with [$replacement]. If [$start] = 0 and [$length] argument omitted, entire [$string] replaced with [$replacement].
- substr_replace("How long have you been doing php code?", "I love php code", 0) =
I love php code -
- substr_replace("How long have you been doing php code?", "I love php code", 23) =
How long have you been I love php code
- substr_replace("How long have you been doing php code?", "I love php code", 23, 22) =
How long have you been I love php code
array_fill($startIndex, $numberElements, $fillValues);
Create an array on the fly.
- [$startIndex] is most typically 0 as this is the default of arrays in php but the $startIndex can be and number.
- $createdArray = array_fill(0, 5, " -php is fun- "); = Array ( [0] => -php is fun- [1] => -php is fun- [2] => -php is fun- [3] => -php is fun- [4] => -php is fun- )
array_map($functionToMap, $arrToMap1, [$arrToMap2], ...);
Create an array by modifying the elements of an existing array $arrToMap1 via function $functionToMap.
- $functionToMap can be an external function that is used but unless the $functionToMap is long or complicated, using an anonymous function directly within array_map $functionToMap is more concise and a better way to go.
- Built in PHP function can be used for $functionToMap. Just surround the PHP function name within quotes ie "strtoupper".
- $fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]; array_map("strtoupper", $fruits) = Array ([0] => APPLE [1] => BANANA [2] => CHERRY)
- $names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"]; array_map(function($name){ return "User: " . $name; }, $names) = Array ( [0] => User: Alice [1] => User: Bob [2] => User: Charlie )
array_merge($array1, $array2, [$array3], [$array4] ...);
Combine/merge 2 or more arrays as a single new array.
- If any array elements have the same key, the last one overrides the others.
- $arr1 = ["dog", "cat", "bird"];
$arr2 = ["red", "green", "yellow"];
$arrMerged = array_merge($arr1, $arr2); = Array ( [0] => dog [1] => cat [2] => bird [3] => red [4] => green [5] => yellow )
array_search($whatToSearchFor, $arrayToSearch, [$strictMatch]);
Search an array $arrayToSearch for a value $whatToSearchFor. Returns the key of $arrayToSearch of the matching $whatToSearchFor, if found or returns false.
- array_search is case sensitive so a value of "Hello" in $whatToSearchFor will not find "hello" in the array. See example below how to deal with this.
- Optional $strictMatch if true, only returns a match if a value identical in type and value to $whatToSearchFor, is found in $arrayToSearch. For example if you search for the string "10" it will not return a match for integer 10.
- array_search works on both indexed and associative arrays however with associative array they key of the found match is return instead of its index number.
- To search a multidimensional array more than one level you would need to use a recursive search function.
- array_search("10", [5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 11]) = 5 // the index number of the found $whatToSearchFor
- array_search("10", [5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 11], true) = false // returns false because $strictMatch = true and "10" does not equal 10.
- array_search("10", ["first" => 5, "second" => 6, "third" => 7, "fourth" => 8, "fifth" => 9, "sixth" => 10, "seventh" => 11]) = sixth // 'sixth' is the key of the associative array where the match was found.
To perform a case insensitive search using array_search ...
- array_search(strtolower("HELLo"), array_map("strtolower", [5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , "hello", 11])) = 5
Remove and return the first element of $array.
- $arr = ["red", "green", "yellow"];
$firstArrElem = array_shift($arr); # $firstArrElem = "red" and $arr = ["green", "yellow"]
array_unique($array, [$sortType]);
Removes any duplicates in array to ensure each element of $array is unique.
- $sortType is optional and can be:
SORT_STRING (default): compares items in $arr as strings
SORT_REGULAR: compare items normally, doesn't change types
SORT_NUMERIC: compares item numerically
SORT_LOCALE_STRING: compare items as strings, based on current locale.
- $arr = [99, 34, 12, 449, 12, 12]; array_unique($arr) = Array ( [0] => 99 [1] => 34 [2] => 12 [3] => 449 )
- $arr = [99, "34", 12, 449, "12 ", 12]; array_unique($arr) = Array ( [0] => 99 [1] => 34 [2] => 12 [3] => 449 [4] => 12 )
- $arr = [99, "34", 12, 449, "12 ", 12]; array_unique($arr, SORT_NUMERIC) = Array ( [0] => 99 [1] => 34 [2] => 12 [3] => 449 ) converts strings of numbers to numbers
array_unshift($array, $itemToAdd1, [$itemToAdd2, $itemToAdd3, ...]);
Insert new element(s) to the beginning of an array.
- New elements $itemToAdd1, [$itemToAdd2, $itemToAdd3, ...] get inserted at the beginning of the array in the order supplied.
- $arr = ["red", "green", "yellow"];
array_unshift($arr, "yellow", "black") = ["yellow", "black", "red", "green", "yellow"]
in_array($searchFor, $arr, [$type]);
See if $searchFor can be found as an element in $arr. Returns TRUE if found or FALSE.
- in_array() only seaches a flat or single level array and not a multidimensional array. To do this you would need to flatten the multidimensional array or perform a recursive search.
- [$type] (true/false) if true, performs a strict search meaning if [$type] = false in_array() will return TRUE for both
1 and "1" if $arr contains either 1 or "1" . If [$type] = true then the value as well as the type being searched for must match exactly.
- $arr = [1, "2", 3]; in_array(2, $arr) = TRUE because [$type] by default is FALSE so 2 and "2" are the same.
- $arr = [1, "2", 3]; in_array(2, $arr, true) = FALSE because [$type] = true so 2 is not the same variable type as "2".